Dora Nola Tribute, Leymah Gbowee

By Manuela jarry
Dora Nola Tribute, Leymah Gbowee

I didn't know about Leymah Gbowee until recently when I was researching for the Dora Nola Tributes. She is an activist for peace and a Nobel Peace Prize recipient. She is responsible for leading a women's nonviolent peace movement, Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace that helped bring an end to the Second Liberian Civil War in 2003. I encourage everyone to look her up, she is truly an inspiring force, and many of her quotes are memorable.

This particular quote resonates very deeply with me:

"You can never leave footprints that last if you are always walking on tiptoe"

These are words I repeat to myself often. To remember to not be afraid, to speak up, to take up space. 

xox Manuela
Posted in Dora Nola Tributes

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