Dora Nola Tributes, Jodie Foster

Fitting in... it felt so important to me growing up. Eventually, you learn that what makes you interesting and happy is being who you really are, and sometimes that's being odd or different. Even now on the brink of my 40th birthday, I still have to remind myself that being authentic, weird & colourful is what makes me ME. Your uniqueness is your superpower. This quote by Jodie Foster is so simple, yet so powerful:
"Being normal is not something to aspire to, it's something to get away from"
I don't know much about the life of Jodie Foster, but I can imagine that she struggled with fitting in also being a child actress in Hollywood, and throughout her career. I love her dry wit, and her no-nonsense attitude. You can read a nice write-up about her in the Guardian here.
A tribute to you, Jodie.

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